Might not post anything for a bit. Saving up money for some personal stuff, but once I have some to spare... Guess who's getting a tablet and using Crita?
For now, enjoy one of the best damn pieces of unused music I've ever found:
So, I love doing pretty much anything... Well, as long as it's legal.
Call me Wally, Sam, or Waffles. I'm the person makin' the art, and the dude who'll probably annoy you with infrequent notifications.
Good question.
Another Good Question.
You're really good at ask
Joined on 4/28/20
Posted by TheWaffleLad - May 2nd, 2020
Might not post anything for a bit. Saving up money for some personal stuff, but once I have some to spare... Guess who's getting a tablet and using Crita?
For now, enjoy one of the best damn pieces of unused music I've ever found:
May you reach your goal shortly
Thanks, dude!